Zend Development

Zend Development


Fast, efficient, and customizable

Zend is an open source framework, based on PHP scripting language, it offers the option of using more than 60 fully documented components. Each of these components has been developed to be little interdependent and highly customizable, moreover they're all based on an MVC architecture pattern.


Our offer for development with Zend framework

  • Analysis of already existing solutions developed with Zend framework
  • Design and development of web platforms or business applications
  • Third-party application maintenance (TMA)


Benefits of using Zend framework

  • Development productivity is further improved thanks to Zend’s abundant libraries, classes and components
  • Natively secure against SQL injections and XSS (Cross Site Scripting) type of attacks
  • Simple and entirely configurable URL
  • A complete documentation and an optimized learning curve

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